By Grade Level
Language Arts
Read Aloud Stories
Storyline Online
That's a Fact
Counting Practice
Fishy Count
Identifying Numbers
Harcourt-Identifying Coins
Paul Pattern
Sticker Patterns
First Grade
Adding and Subtraction
Rainforest Maths
That's a Fact
Counting On
More Counting by 5's
Cross the River
Measure It
Measure Teddy
Mr Pip's Fruit Balance
Coins for Candy
Change Purse
Spending Spree
Counting Money
Cash Register
Counting Coins to 50 Cents
Time Lesson and Activity
Odd and Even
Odd and Even Diagram
Sticker Patterns
Paul Pattern
Place Value
Catch Ten
Place Value Puzzler
Shark Numbers
Shark Pool
Apple Time
Beat the Clock
Second Grade
Addition and Subtraction
Math Baseball
That's a Fact
Cross the River
Measure It
Measure Teddy
Mr. Pip's Fruit Balance
Place Value
Catch Ten
Dino Place Value
Place Value Puzzler
Shark Numbers
What Are My Chances?
What Should I wear?
Why Can't I Win?
Life Cycles
Butterfly Discovery Game
Butterfly Lifecycle Information
Frog Mad Libs
Frog Tic Tac Toe
Third Grade
Cross the River
Create a Graph
Apples for the Teacher
Fun Brain
Coins for Candy
Counting Money
Money Practice
Making Change
Multiplication and Division
Lots of Games
Multiplication Games
Tic Tac Toe
Place Value
Rounding Matching Game
Bedtime Bandits
Telling Time
Social Studies
Ancient Rome
Fact Quiz
Roman Government
Roman Mosaics
Roman Time Tunnel
Rainforest Maths
SOL review
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
By Subject
Language Arts
ABC fun
Reading Bear - a fun way to learn vocabulary and phonics
Starfall-A learn to read website; learn letter sounds, word families, and listen to books
Writing Guide and Alphabet Practice Pad-Watch Spinner, the writing spider, draw letters of the alphabet. Open a practice pad and draw your own letters.
Books, Books, Books
BookPALS Storyline Online-Listen to a celebrity read a popular children's book
Internet Public Library, Kidspace, The Reading Zone-Lots of links to online stories and info about your favorite books and authors. - An anagram is a word or a group of words which, by rearranging the letters, results in a new word or a new group of words. This anagram solver decodes your words. The anagram generator finds different letter combinations, forms words and categorizes the results by word length.
All About Numbers
Give the Dog a Bone-Can you find 10 hidden bones in a 100's chart in less that one minutes?
Splat Square-Splat paint in the squares on a 1-100 chart
Splat Squares 2-Fill in the numbers 1-100 and splat paint in the squares
Computation and Estimation
A+ Math-Work on adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing with interactive flash cards, games, and more!
Math Mayhem-Put your math skills to the ultimate challenge in this fast paced, multiplayer game.
Spacey Math-Practice your math skills while using lasers to reenergize a space station
Sum Sense: Addition-Drag and drop number cards to make 'sum' addition sense
Sum Sense: Division-Drag and drop number cards to make 'sum' division sense
Sum Sense: Multiplication-Drag and drop number cards to make 'sum' multiplication sense
Sum Sense: Subtraction-Drag and drop number cards to make 'sum' subtraction sense
Fractions, Decimals, Percents
Bowling for Fractions-Build and write fractions to play this bowling game
Count On! Fractions!-Play four different games to practice adding fractions
Cross the River-Chose the fraction to match the model and help the character cross the river
Fresh Baked Fractions-Simplify fractions and look for equivalent fractions in this game from Fun Brain
Kids Online Resources-Learn about fractions with this fun tutorial
Visual Fractions-Try this tutorial that models fractiosn with number lines or circles
Science Museum of Minnesota: Shapes-Lots of activities to help you learn about shapes
Measurement, Time, and Money
FunBrain: Change Maker-Get as much money in your piggy bank as possible by figuring out the correct change
Measure It!-Read the directions and show the correct amount of money
The U.S. Mint's Site for Kids-Designed as a fun, educational tool for students and teachers that generates interest in coins, the Mint, and U.S. history
Probability and Statistics
Explore Your Knowledge-How's your math and science knowledge? What are the resulots aroung the world based on the same questions? Visit this site to find out
Math Teaser Challenge-Test your math/statistics skills with some fun and interesting questions
What Are Your Chances?-Try this dice game to see how increasing or decreasing the number of rolls affects the outcome
Earth and Space
Astronomy for Kids-Lots of great information about space. Click a planet to learn all about it!
StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronauts-Information about space from NASA
Story Time From Space - Science and story time videos by astronauts in space
Ecosystems and Biomes
Blue Planet Biomes-Take a look at the world map; learn about the plants and animals of different biomes of the world
Enchanted Learning: Biomes-A complex community of plants and animals in a region and a climate is called a biome. Use this site to learn all about the biomes of the world
K-4 Science: Planning a Trip to Funworld-This activity module lets you practice what you know about different biomes by packing for a virtual field trip to your biome
MBG Net-designed to help you learn about the different ecosystems and biomes of the world
General Sites
"USDA" - U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service-This site includes articles and ideas about the United States Agriculture Industry.
Kidzone: National Wildlife Federation-Explore NWF's educational pathways to understanding, appreciating and safeguarding the natural world.
The Black Hole Gang-Meet four kids and their dog, Newton, who are crazy about all kinds of science.
The Why? Files-Check out this collection of stories about news and current events to explore science, health, environment and technology
Light and Sound
KidsHealth: Let's Hear it for the Ear!-Learn how the parts of the ear work together so you can hear and process sounds all day, every day.
The Magic School Bus Get an Earful!-Listen carefully and try to match the sounds
Defenders of Wildlife: Kids Planet -Check out a virtual story on the web of life, play games like concentration and picture puzzles, read on page fact sheets on over 50 species of animals, and more!
Michigan 4-H Children's Garden Tour-Enjoy a virtual field trip through these beautiful gardens
National Zoo - FONZ-Visit the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. Check out the webcams, videos, photos, games, and online demonstrations.
San Diego Zoo Kid's Territory - Visit this site to meet the critters, play some games, find out about zoo jobs, and see fun crafts, recipies, and science projects
SeaWorld - Learn about all kinds of animals through informational books and articles. They have interesting information on wildlife and conservation efforts.
The Great Plant Escape-Help Detective Leplant and his partners Bud and Sprout unlock the amazing mysteries of plant life
The Magic School Bus Friz TV: Photosynthesis-Click "Launch FrizTV" to watch an interactive episode about photosynthesis
Wildflowers in Bloom-Click on the name of a wildflower to see its picture and learn interesting facts about that specific flower
Chem4kids-Take an online tour to learn about the different states of matter
Hypermedia Textbook: Matter - Read about matter in this online textbook
States of Matter - Click gas, liquid, or solid to view the action of the particles up close
Natural Disasters
SkyDiary: KidStorm- Get information, see pictures and graphics, and find links to more facts about tornadoes, lightning, hurricanes and storm chasing
Smokey Kids: Only You Can Prevent Wildfires-Smokey Bear has been working for over 50 years to remind Americans of the importance of outdoor fire safety and wildfire prevention. Check out Smokey's web site
The Disaster Area-From FEMA, learn about natural disasters like floods, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, and more
Natural Resources
Hypermedia Textbook: Water-Read about water in this online textbook
Trees are Terrific-Travel with Pierre, the acorn, and learn about trees
Science in Your Watershed-Read the story of where, how much, and in what forms water exists on
Simple Machines
Dirtmeister's Simple Machines-Investigate and report on the six simple machines with Dirtmeister, the Science Reporter
EdHeads: Simple Machines-Try to find all the simple machines in an online house and tool shed. Check out the glossary if you get stuck!
Simple Machines Photographs-See real photographs of all the simple machines
The Franklin Institute-Explore different exhibits and learn about famous scientists.
Museum of Science-Check out these online exhibits and learn about space, living ecosystems, and more!
Soil and Rocks
The Adventures of Herman-Learn all about worms...from how they got to America to their soil neighborhood friends. There are a few fun activities and a Herman Art Gallery
The Weather Game-See how much you know about weather, seasons, and climate by testing your knowledge in an online quiz show
Weather Maker-Use this interactive site to make it snow!
Weather Station-Information about clouds, rain, wind and snow, as well as moon phases and weather extremes
Become a Storm Spotter From Home - Learn about different ways you can look for storms and be proactive when it comes to predicting the weather.